Tackling the Persistent Odours in
Cancelada and Estepona
For too long Cancelada and nearby areas have suffered foul odours from the Estepona Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP).
These odours are bad for our quality of life, our health and our economy and the situation is getting worse.
NOW is the time for action.
The Issue
Despite paying significant fees through our water bills to Acosol, the
organisation responsible for water management, the odour problem
We can all see the enormous growth in the area. Acosol’s revenues rise dramatically but the odours get worse!
There are many possible solutions that can be implemented.
This needs to be prioritised.
The authorities and Acosol need to be made aware that this IS IMPORTANT TO CITIZENS.
Why This Matters
Health and Wellbeing: No one should have to live, work, or go to school
surrounded by foul odours.
● Accountability: We pay for a service that should ensure a clean
● Local Economy:
○ Homes: Foul smells devalue properties.
○ Hotels: Negative reviews hurt bookings and returning guests.
○ Restaurants: Outdoor dining suffers, reducing customer numbers.
○ Tourism Reputation: Estepona’s image as a prime destination is at risk.
These are not the smells that people expect in the “Garden of the Costa del Sol”.
Take Action Now!
It takes less than 2 minutes to support us fully
“Sign, Follow & Download“
IMAGINE if we succeed – 2 minutes to GET RID OF THE ODOUR PROBLEM!
Fill in the form on our website to Sign the Petition
It takes 30 seconds!
We will keep you informed by WhatsApp & email.
Together, we can push for real change!
Join the Social Media Campaign – Follow us on Facebook
It takes 15 seconds!
Stay up to date with campaign news, events, and critical updates.
Show your support and help us grow our community
It’s FREE and takes LESS than 1 minute to download and register from the Android or IOS stores.
Then, whenever you smell anything log it on NasApp – c 10 seconds.
This is essential for holding authorities accountable and documenting the problem. All the family should download it.
TAKE THE 3 STEPS TODAY “Sign, Follow & Download“
What We’re Asking For
We want Acosol to invest in resolving the odour problem now. We all pay a c26% levy which is included in all Hidralia bills. That is a very high income for Acosol and surely enough to invest properly as the area grows.
JOIN US to demand transparency and a lasting solution. Together, we can say “NO MORE SMELLS!”
Let’s all stand together – participation is essential to driving real change.
Sign the Petition and Show Solidarity
Thank you for taking the first step towards helping us eliminate the bad odours affecting Cancelada and Estepona.
By filling out this form, you are showing that you care about our community, local businesses and quality of life.
Together we can make a difference!
We appreciate your support – Let’s stand together. “No More Smells”
How Your Participation Helps
Strength in Numbers: The more people who join, the louder our voice becomes.
Together, we can make Acosol and local authorities realise that THIS CANNOT CONTINUE!
● Stay Informed: Receive updates on the campaign, upcoming events, and progress via email and WhatsApp.
● Share Insights: Let us know how the odours are affecting you, your family, or your business. Your experience matters.
Imagine what the area will smell like in 5 years time if we do nothing now!
Download NasApp
Sign the Petition Now
It takes less than 30 seconds