You can use NasApp at any location in the world. The platform captures your location and combines your report with current meteorological data. Your report is then associated with a geographically mapped area, such as our area in Estepona, and is used to build a picture of the source and scope of the Odours.

We are proud to endorse NasApp as a valuable tool for tracking and reporting odours in our area. While we fully support its use, it is important to note that NasApp is an independent entity. They have no influence over the actions or decisions of The Estepona Citizen’s Action Group, and likewise, we have no influence over NasApp’s operations, services, or data policies.

Download NasApp for Android

Download NasApp for IOS

The video below is in Spanish with English Subtitles

The NasApp project was born at the Eurecat technology centre to respond to odour pollution through a multilayer data platform where citizens, industry, local authorities and technical experts work together to co-design solutions that increase the quality of life in the affected areas. The disruptive and innovative nature of NasApp lies in using users as sensors to monitor and categorize air quality. After five years of records made by the citizens, the scientific evidence studied by NasApp shows that odour episodes can be predicted.

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